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The schema.params is a hash map of properties that control how data is stored. It may contain the following properties:

Property Type Description
createdField string Name of the "created" timestamp attribute. Defaults to "created".
hidden boolean Hide templated (value) attributes in Javascript properties. Default true.
isoDates boolean Set to true to store dates as Javascript ISO strings vs epoch numerics. Default false.
nulls boolean Store nulls in database attributes vs remove attributes set to null. Default false.
separator string Define the field separator used in value templates. This is only used by OneTable for encoded fields, but is generally useful for tools to understand value templates.
timestamps boolean | string Make "created" and "updated" timestamps in items. Set to true to create both. Set to 'create' for only "created" timestamp and set to "update" for only an "updated" timestamp. See below for more details. Also see: "updatedField" and "createdField" properties. Default false.
typeField string Name of the "type" attribute. Default "_type".
updatedField string Name of the "updated" timestamp attribute. Default "updated".

For example:

const MySchema = {
    params: {
        isoDates: true,
        separator: '#',
        timestamps: true,


Created and updated timestamps can be automatically added to items. If the schema timestamps param is set to true, a created and updated date timestamp will be added to items during create or update API calls.

If using TypeScript, you should define the created and updated fields in your data model so that the returned items match your TypeScript definitions. If using JavaScript, it is optional if you wish to define them in your model.

The name of the created and updated fields can be modified via the schema param createdField and updatedField.

If you need to manually modify a created or updated timestamp, you can disable automatic timestamps by setting the API timestamps param to false. For example:

props.updated = new Date('2023-02-26T23:23:14.752Z')
await User.update(props, {timestamps: false})