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The Table API provides utility methods and low-level data API to manage DynamoDB. The low-level methods are: deleteItem, getItem, putItem, updateItem. Use these methods to do raw I/O on your table. In general, you should prefer the Model APIs that are based on their schema definition and provide a higher level of operation. The model methods are: create, get, find, remove and update.


addContext(context = {})

Add the table context properties. The context properties are merged with (overwrite) the existing context.


addModel(name, fields)

Add a new model to a table. This invokes the Model constructor and then adds the model to the table. The previously defined Table indexes are used for the model.


async batchGet(operation, params = {})

Invoke a prepared batch operation and return the results. Batches are prepared by creating a bare batch object {} and passing that via params.batch to the various OneTable APIs to build up a batched operation. Invoking batch will execute the accumulated API calls in a batch.

The batch parameter should initially be set to {} and then be passed to API calls via params.batch.

For example:

let batch = {}
await Account.get({id: accountId}, {batch})
await User.get({id: userId}, {batch})
let results = await table.batchGet(batch)

Set batch params.consistent for a consistent read.

If using params.fields to return a field set, you must provide actual attribute names in the field list and not mapped property names like when using normal Model params.fields.


async batchWrite(batch, params = {})

Same as batchGet but for write operations.



Clear the table context properties. The Table has a context of properties that are blended with Model properties before writing items to the database.


async create(modelName, properties, params = {})

Create a new item in the database of the given model modelName as defined in the table schema. Wraps the Model.create API. See Model.create for details.


async createTable(params)

Create a DynamoDB table based upon the needs of the specified OneTable schema. The table configuration can be augmented by supplying additional createTable configuration via the params.provisioned. See DynamoDB CreateTable for details.


async deleteItem(properties, params = {})

Delete an item in the database. This wraps the DynamoDB deleteItem method.

The properties parameter is a Javascript hash containing the required keys or fields that are used to create the primary key.

Additional fields supplied in properties may be used to construct a filter expression. In this case, a find query is first executed to identify the item to remove. Superfluous property fields will be ignored.

The optional params are fully described in Model API Params. Some relevant params include:

The params.fields may be set to a list of properties to return. This defines the ProjectionExpression. The properties must include the key attributes if you wish to use params.prev for reverse pagination.

If params.execute is set to false, the command will not be executed and the prepared DynamoDB API parameters will be returned.

If params.many is set to true, the API may be used to delete more than one item. Otherwise, for safety, it is assume the API will only remove one item.

The params.where clause may be used to define a filter expression. This will define a FilterExpression and the ExpressionAttributeNames and ExpressionAttributeValues. See Where Clause for more details.


async deleteTable(confirmation)

Delete a DynamoDB table. Because this is a destructive operation, a confirmation string of 'DeleteTableForever' must be provided.


async exists()

Test if the table name exists in the database.


async fetch(models, properties, params = {})

Fetch an item collection of items that share the same primary key. Models should be a list of model type names to return. The properties should provide the primary key shared by those model types. The return result is a map with items organized by their model type.

For example:

let items = await table.fetch(['User', 'Product'], {pk: 'account:AcmeCorp'})
let users = items.User
let products = items.Product
users.forEach(user => /* operate on user */)
products.forEach(product => /* operate on product */)

The results returned will include hidden properties as they are needed to group the items by type.


async find(modelName, properties, params = {})

Find an item in the database of the given model modelName as defined in the table schema. Wraps the Model.find API. See Model.find for details.


async get(modelName, properties, params = {})

Get an item in the database of the given model modelName as defined in the table schema. Wraps the Model.get API. See Model.get for details.



Return the current context properties.


getCurrentSchema(): OneSchema

Return the schema currently used by the table.



Return the current logger object.


async getKeys()

Return the current primary table and global secondary index keys. Returns a map indexed by index name or 'primary'. The partition key property is named 'hash' and the sort key 'sort'.


async getItem(properties, params = {})

Get an item from the database. This API wraps the DynamoDB getItem method.

The properties parameter is a Javascript hash containing the required keys or fields that are used to create the primary key.

Additional fields supplied in properties may be used to construct a filter expression. In this case, a find query is first executed to identify the item to retrieve. Superfluous property fields will be ignored.

The get method returns Javascript properties for the item after applying any schema mappings. Hidden attributes will not be returned.

The optional params are fully described in Model API Params. Some relevant params include:

The params.fields may be set to a list of properties to return. This defines the ProjectionExpression.

If params.execute is set to false, the command will not be executed and the prepared DynamoDB API parameters will be returned.

If params.parse is set to true, the results will be parsed and mapped into a set of Javascript properties. By default, the unmodified DynamoDB results are returned.

The params.where clause may be used to define a filter expression. This will define a FilterExpression and the ExpressionAttributeNames and ExpressionAttributeValues. See Where Clause for more details.



Return a model for the given model name.



Return the items grouped by the configured table typeField property. Returns a map indexed by type name.



Return a list of models defined on the Table.


async listTables()

Return a list of tables in the database.


async putItem(properties, params = {})

Create an item in the database. This API wraps the DynamoDB putItem method.

The properties parameter is a Javascript hash containing all the required attributes for the item and must contain the required keys or fields that are used to create the primary key.

OneTable will only write fields in properties that correspond to the schema attributes for the model. Superfluous property fields will be ignored.

The property names are those described by the schema. NOTE: these are not the same as the attribute names stored in the Database. If a schema uses map to define a mapped attribute name, the Javascript field name and the DynamoDB attribute name may be different.

The method returns the unmodified DynamoDB put response. If params.parse is set to true, it will return the Javascript properties created for the item with hidden attributes will not be returned.

Before creating the item, all the properties will be validated according to any defined schema validations and all required properties will be checked. Similarly, properties that use a schema enum definition will be checked that their value is a valid enum value. Encrypted fields will be encrypted transparently before writing.

The params.fields may be set to a list of properties to return. This defines the ProjectionExpression.

If params.execute is set to false, the command will not be executed and the prepared DynamoDB API parameters will be returned.

If params.parse is set to true, the results will be parsed and mapped into a set of Javascript properties. Otherwise, the unmodified DynamoDB response will be returned.


async queryItems(properties, params)

This API invokes the DynamoDB query API and return the results.

The properties should include the relevant key properties.

The sort key may be defined as a key condition by setting the property to an object that defines the condition. The condition operator is specified as the key, and the operand as the value.

These operators may only be used with the sort key property. If the sort key uses a value template, you cannot use the operator on the sort key value directly and not on the properties that are referenced in the value template.

For example:

let user = await table.queryItems({pk, sk: {begins: 'user:john'}})
let tickets = await table.queryItems({pk, sk: {between: [1000, 2000]}})
let invoices = await table.queryItems({pk, sk: {'<=': 1000}})

The operators include:

< <= = <> >= >
begins or begins_with

Filter Expressions

Non-key fields are used to construct a filter expression which is applied by DynamoDB after reading the data but before returning it to the caller. OneTable will utilize fields in properties that correspond to the schema attributes for the model. Superfluous property fields will be ignored in the filter expression.

More complex filter expressions may be created via a params.where property. For example:

let invoices = await table.queryItems({pk}, {where: '${sk} <= {1000}'})

See Where Clause for more details.

If queryItems is called without a sort key, queryItems will utilize the model type as a sort key prefix and return all matching model items. This can be used to fetch all items that match the primary hash key and are of the specified model type.

The queryItems method returns an array of items after applying any schema mappings. Hidden attributes in items will not be returned.

Some useful params for queryItems include:

The params.index may be set to the desired index name.

The params.where clause may be used to define a filter expression. This will define a FilterExpression and the ExpressionAttributeNames and ExpressionAttributeValues. See Where Clause for more details.

The params.fields may be set to a list of properties to return. This defines the ProjectionExpression.

If params.execute is set to false, the command will not be executed and the prepared DynamoDB API parameters will be returned.

If params.parse is set to true, the results will be parsed and mapped into a set of Javascript properties. Otherwise, the unmodified DynamoDB response will be returned.


async readSchema(): OneSchema

Read the Current schema from the table if it has been stored there via saveSchema.


async readSchemas(): OneSchema[]

Read all stored schemas from the table.


async remove(modelName, properties, params = {})

Delete an item in the database of the given model modelName as defined in the table schema. Wraps the Model.remove API. See Model.remove for details.



Remove a model from the current schema in use by the table. This does not impact the persisted schemas.



Remove a schema from the persisted Table schema items. The schema should include a name property that describes the schema.


async saveSchema(schema?: OneSchema): OneSchema

Save the current schema to the table using the _Schema:_Schema hash/sort key pair.

If the schema parameter is null or not provided, the currently configured schema will be saved. If a schema is provided and the schema.params is unset, the saved schema will include the current Table parms.


async scanItems(params)

Invokes the DynamoDB scan API and return the results.

Some relevant params include:

The params.where clause may be used to define a filter expression. This will define a FilterExpression and the ExpressionAttributeNames and ExpressionAttributeValues. See Where Clause for more details.

The params.fields may be set to a list of properties to return. This defines the ProjectionExpression.

If params.execute is set to false, the command will not be executed and the prepared DynamoDB API parameters will be returned.

If params.parse is set to true, the results will be parsed and mapped into a set of Javascript properties. Otherwise, the unmodified DynamoDB response will be returned.

The scan method supports parallel scan where you invoke scan simultaneously from multiple workers. Using the async/await pattern, you can start the workers and then use a Promise.all to wait for their completion. To perform parallel scans, you should set the params.segments to the number of parallel segements and the params.segment to the numeric segment to be scaned for that worker.

const segments = 4
let promises = []
for (let segment = 0; segment < segments; segment++) {
    promises.push(table.scanItems({}, {segment, segments}))
let results = await Promise.all(promises)



Assign an AWS SDK V2 DocumentClient or AWS SDK V3 Dynamo helper client to be used for communiction with DynamoDB. Note the V3 DocumentClient instance is a native AWS SDK DocumentClient instance. For AWS SDK V3, the client is an instance of the OneTable Dynamo helper.


setContext(context = {}, merge = false)

Set the table context properties. If merge is true, the properties are blended with the existing context.


async setSchema(schema?: OneSchema)

Set the current schema for the table instance. This will reset the current schema. If the schema parameter contains a schema.params, these will be applied and overwrite the current Table params.

If the schema property is null, the current schema will be removed.


async transact(operation, transaction, params = {})

Invoke a prepared transaction and return the results. Transactions are prepared by creating a bare transaction object {} and passing that via params.transaction to the various OneTable APIs to build up a transactional operation. Finally invoking transact will execute the accumulated API calls within a DynamoDB transaction.

The operation parameter should be set to write or get.

The transaction parameter should initially be set to {} and then be passed to API calls via params.transaction.

A get operation will return an array containing the items retrieved.

The Table.groupBy can be used to organize the returned items by model. E.g.

let transaction = {}
await table.get('Account', {id: accountId}, {transaction})
await table.get('User', {id: userId}, {transaction})
let items = await table.transact('get', transaction, {parse: true, hidden: true})
items = table.groupByType(items)
let accounts = items.Account
let users = items.User


async update(modelName, properties, params = {})

Update an item in the database of the given model modelName as defined in the table schema. Wraps the Model.update API. See Model.update for details.


async updateItem(properties, params)

Update an item in the database. This method wraps the DynamoDB updateItem API.

The properties parameter is a Javascript hash containing properties to update including the required keys or fields that are used to create the primary key.

OneTable will only update fields in properties that correspond to the schema attributes for the model. Superfluous property fields will be ignored.

The property names are those described by the schema. NOTE: these are not the same as the attribute names stored in the Database. If a schema uses map to define a mapped attribute name, the Javascript field name and the DynamoDB attribute name may be different.

The method returns the unmodified DynamoDB response. If params.parse is true, the call returns the Javascript properties for the item with hidden attributes removed.

The optional params are described in Model API Params.

The params.fields may be set to a list of properties to return. This defines the ProjectionExpression.

If params.execute is set to false, the command will not be executed and the prepared DynamoDB API parameters will be returned. However, if set on an update that has a unique field, the commands will not be returned. This is because and update with a unique field requires a transaction and multiple commands. In this case, setting execute: true will cause the command to not be executed as expected, but the the proposed commands will not be returned. To see the commands, set the parmas.log to true to log the commands to the console.

If params.parse is set to true, the results will be parsed and mapped into a set of Javascript properties. Otherwise, the unmodified DynamoDB response will be returned.


async updateTable(params)

Update a table and create or remove a Global Secondary Index.

Set params.create to an index to create. Set create to a map with properties for the hash and sort attributes. E.g.

await table.updateTable({create: {
    hash: 'gs1pk',
    hash: 'gs2pk',
    name: 'gs1',
Set params.remove to remove an index. Set remove to a map with a name property of the table to remove. E.g.

await table.updateTable({remove: {
    name: 'gs1'



Internal routine to generate a simple, fast non-cryptographic UUID string. This routine is provided for use in the browser where Node crypto is not availble. The uuid function will generate IDs that have the same format as a UUID v4 string. However they are not crypto-grade in terms of uniqueness nor are they fully compliant in the composition of the UUID sub-components. In general, use ulid in preference to uuid.

This routine



Generate a ULID. Useful when you need a time-based sortable, cryptographic, unique sequential number. This is preferable to using uuid.